These summer programs are opportunities for high school students to earn college credit. Stimulating learning environments allow students to develop their research, leadership, and additional skills in an inclusive setting. The Academic Programs listings are noncredit programs that may also be of interest.

High School students giving a thumbs up to their residential experience at CSU Alliance Zoetis Veterinary Perspectives Institute.

Alliance Zoetis Veterinary Perspectives Institute

Students will interact with clinicians, college professors, and CSU student mentors as they explore the veterinary profession and One Health and earn one college credit by registering for the accompanying course.
A group of students enjoy a festive day at the CSU Black Issues Forum (BIF) at Colorado State University.

Black Issues Forum (BIF)

The Black Issues Forum (BIF) is a five-day intensive summer program for rising high school seniors. This unique program is designed for thoughtful and committed students who want to enhance their leadership potential while discussing relevant issues facing today’s Black community.
Native American students working together while viewing a laptop screen.

Native Education Forum (NEF)

The Native Education Forum is a five-day summer program for rising high school seniors and incoming CSU first-year students. Students gain university classroom experience, research issues critical to Native American/Indigenous communities, and get valuable assistance from professionals in the university application process.