CSU Youth Sport Camps are offered throughout the summer for kids ages 5-13. CSU’s Department of Health and Exercise Science provides a wide variety of active camps Monday-Friday in partial- and full-day sessions.

Ram Sports Camps
are typically offered by CSU’s Department of Athletics for youth from kindergarten through age 18. Age details and information are usually announced by sport from late December through April.

Logo for Colorado State University Sports Camps

Rams Sports Camps

These programs are offered throughout the summer by CSU’s Department of Athletics. They are designed for a variety of ages from youth through college sophomores depending on the sport.
A group of youths posing with arms around each while student instructor supervises at CSU's summer Youth Sport Camp.

Youth Sport Camps

Explore active summer fun for kids ages 5-13! Offered by CSU’s Department of Health and Exercise Science, the camps run Monday-Friday in partial- and full-day sessions, depending on the camp. Coeducational day camps focus on skill development and promote the benefits of physical activity and healthy lifestyles for youth.